Most building owners will delay roof repair or replacement for as long as possible. Unfortunately, this usually means a roofing failure will happen at the worst possible time. While nobody wants to deal with roofing issues, they are a fact of life for commercial buildings, so it is important to be ready for them. One of the most important ways to be ready is to find a skilled, honest, and fairly-priced roofing company. “There are many roofing companies in the Bay Area. But, not all of them are created equal,” explains Simon Elmadawi, owner of Apollo Roofing Company, one of San Rafael’s top commercial roofing companies. “When getting an estimate, remember there are many things to factor into the quote, such as experience, product choices, and customer service.”
Know the Details of the Damage
Know what caused the roof damage. Many insurance policies cover repairs from perils such as roof damage caused by fire and hail but typically do not cover anything they would consider having been caused by neglect. Understanding this can help determine whether talking to a roofing contractor about a roof repair or replacement is the best option.
Talk to the Insurance Company
Find out exactly what insurance will and will not cover. The information will help determine whether or not it is worth filing a claim. For example, an insurance company may cover the cost of a repair, but filing a claim can cause the insurance premium to increase. Insurance companies may also cancel the policy under certain circumstances. Because of this, it may be more cost-efficient to pay for minor repairs out of pocket.
Consider the Age of the Roof
All roofing systems have a lifespan and start to exhibit signs of aging. While different types of roofing systems have different lifespans, a commercial building owner can expect to get approximately 25 years of life out of a roofing system. After that time, the need for repairs significantly increases. If the roof is near the end of its lifespan, replacing it may be more beneficial than repairing it.
Know the Options in Roofing Materials
Do some research on roofing materials and their prices. Having a baseline knowledge of the cost of materials will help as you review roofing estimates from the commercial roofing company.
Ask Other Building Owners for References
Find other commercial building owners and ask what commercial roofing company they use and if they are happy with the results. Use this list to narrow your search to only the most capable commercial roofing companies. A low bid does nothing if the quality of the work is poor. Vet each option by checking references, licenses, insurance, and bonding.
Have Each Contractor Break Down Costs
Understanding the cost of labor and materials can ensure you are getting the best quality materials for the best price.
How Many Roofing Estimates Should You Get?
After narrowing down a list of potential commercial roofing contractors, get two or three estimates.
Commercial Roofing Contractor | San Rafael, CA
The roofing structure is one of the most important building systems. If there is a problem with the roof, a multitude of additional problems and losses follow. That’s why it is so important to trust the experts.
For more information about their expansive services or to contact the company to discuss your roofing needs, call (925) 701-9136.
Apollo Roofing Company
SAN RAFAEL CA 94903-2444